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Submit your work to Katie's Pet Products Gallery!

Katie's Pet Products is accepting submissions to be displayed in Katie's Pet Products online Photo Gallery! If you would like to see your dog displayed, you can submit your images for review by following these guidelines:

Images must be emailed in a digitized format (.GIF or .JPG)
Each image must relate to a Katie's Pet Products and be an original work of the contributing photographer
Images must be sent in a digitized format (.GIF or .JPG)

Katie's Pet Products will notify all photographers before posting their work on our web site. Each photographer featured in the Photo Gallery will receive a credit with his or her name and contact information posted (if desired).

Click here to send us an email regarding any questions about photography submission.



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Contact: jill@katiesbumpers.com Phone: 303/642.0544
Made in USA ©2002-2013 Katie's Pet Products™ Patented and Patent Pending